According to written sources, it was an important settlement in the Hittite Period in early 2000 BC. Later, this region lived the dominions of Phrygia, Lydia, Assyria, Rome, Byzantium, Seljuk, Danish, Ilhan, Eretna and Ottoman. During the last period of Ottoman Empire, important decisions were taken at the Sivas Congress by the Great Leader Atatürk on September 4, 1919, and the foundations of the Republic of Turkey were laid and gained importance in the history of Sivas city.
Archeology museum, Ethnography museum, Sivas archeology museum, Divriği Ulu Mosque, Ulu Mosque, Şeyh Hasan Bey kümbeti (Güdük minaret), Ahi Emir Ahmet Türbesi, Şemseddin Sivas-i Türbesi, Akbaşbaba Türbesi, Sheikh Erzurum-i Türbesi, Kadı Burhaneddin Tomb, Milk House Tomb, Bum Baba Tomb, Arab House Tomb, Arab Sheik Tomb, Ali Agha Mosque, Ahbaba Mosque and tomb. Demiryurt caves; Dumanlıca Plateu, Sarıçiçek plateau, Kalınpınar Plateau, Arpacık Plateau, Gürün Gökpmar Lake, Kengercik Plateau, Topalan Plateau and Basyayla.